About My News Blog
One thing I noticed is that news services only post what is going on at this moment in time.
They are in such a rush to be first to post an article and once posted it is discarded as trash
No follow ups and no journalism investigations as to the subject mater being posted, the death of one or thousands is just news for ratings it no longer means nothing anymore.
Government officials and Politicians go unchecked, the media will post a fast article about one thing or another than it's gone and never to be seen again by the media.
Cover up Examples :
C.I.A. planed and committed the assassination of J.F.K with the F.B.I's help.
The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was involved in the trafficking of illicit drugs, that is why we went to war in Vietnam. Our boys died for nothing.
911 attack aircraft Flights wear Saudi Nationals pilots trained in the U.S.A. By the C.I.A. for a red flag operation - so we blamed Iraq and bin laden for the attack. as we killed all the Iraq's leaders.
President Bush knew that there was no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq but we went to war with them anyway, killing untold number of people as well many of our own soldiers that was killed, or maimed for life.
Hillary Clinton “had she done her job” as secretary of state, the four Americans killed in Benghazi in September 2012 would still be alive.
F.B.I and The C.I.A. helped Hillary Clinton in destroying evidence on national T.V. Hard drives and cell phones with hammers. as the head of the F.B.I. stood by and watched.
F.B.I and the C.I.A are activity deleting and destroying files to protect the Democrats, Missing evidence from F.B.I & C.I.A.: Hunter Biden Laptops, Cell Phones, Computers, Emails on Servers, Bank Records. and the House and Senate reward them with unlimited funds and a new building.
Barack Obama's brother showed the world media that Barack Hussein Obama II real birth certificate with all the real markings , it says he was born in Kenya, unlike the fake ones the F.B.I & C.I.A. made.
There are so many more reports with documentation that was released or accessed on Government computers and laptops.
This is why bloggers like myself keep and post articles that should be kept and investigated for the crimes of treason. on the American People and this Nation.